Departments and Institutes

Department of Statistics

AddTime:2021-09-27  Views:

Department of Statistics

The predecessor of the Department of Statistics was a program in statistics in the 1970s that was joined by older generations of experts from the former National Bureau of Statistics, the State Planning Commission, and Renmin University of China. There are 1 undergraduate majors in economic statistics, 3 academic master's degrees in statistics, national economics, and quantitative economics, and 1 professional master's degree in applied statistics. The department currently has 16 teachers, including 5 professors, 8 associate professors, 3 lecturers and 2 doctoral supervisors. 12 of them have obtained doctorate degrees. Some teachers have overseas visits and learning experiences. In recent years, he has presided over 7 national social science funds, more than 10 provincial and ministerial projects, published more than 100 papers in journals such as Statistical Research, Quantitative Economic Technology and Economic Research, and won more than 10 provincial or ministerial awards. The enrollment rate of graduates in the past three years at home and abroad to enter ranges between 30% and 50%. The student employment rate is  more than 98%. Employers have good feedback for our graduates.
