Departments and Institutes

Japan Research Institute

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Japan Research Institute

The Japan Research Institute was established in 1964. Its predecessor was the Japan Issues Laboratory. It was one of the earliest specialized institutions for studying foreign issues in universities in New China. It was renamed the Japan Institute of Hebei University in 1978, and merged into the School of Economics in 2000. In 1993, we began to offer the master’s degree of world economy. In 1994, the major of world economy was rated as a provincial key discipline. In 2003, we began to offer doctorate program of world economy, filling the gap in the PhD degree of economics in Hebei Province. The institute currently has 17 faculties, including 7 professors and 4 associate professors. 12 of them have obtained doctorate degrees. In the past five years, we have presided nearly 50 projects, including national social science funds (1 key project and 2 general projects), humanities and social science research projects of the Ministry of Education, national and regional research projects of the Ministry of Education, and major research projects of humanities and social sciences of Hebei Province.  We have published more than 100 academic papers in SSCI, CSSCI, PKU Core Journals Index and other journals. some research results have been  approved by provincial leaders and have strongly supported the decision-making of government departments. The world economy and western economics  that originated in the Japan Research Institute have trained more than 100 high-level and specialized talents in the past five years. They are distributed in government agencies, colleges and universities, research institutions, and enterprises and institutions, and have gradually become the backbones in their units.
